Hormones and Estrogen Dominance…

Because I’m just too much woman for my own damn self.

Today I’m going to talk about hormones.

Hormonal disruption could be one of the biggest health crises that effect our population today. This is because it affects every single one of us. Whether you display any observable symptoms of a hormonal imbalance or not, being alive in the 21st century is all the requisite you need.

If you can check off any of these then your hormones have been affected:

  • Drinking bottled water
  • Taking birth control
  • Consuming nonorganic produce
  • Consuming dairy products (treated with or without BGH)
  • Consuming processed or sugary foods on a regular basis
  • Leading a relatively sedentary lifestyle

Rather than go on a tangent about the way these things affect our bodies, I’ll leave you with a video to watch! (Lazy Bryn is lazy). Now there are many, many sources from which you can find this information. I just found Barbara O’Neill’s presentation to be pretty well rounded for those who are not well read on the subject to begin with.

So if you’re interested in learning more about the issue (most notably estrogen dominance), and have a good hour to kill, then you should definitely watch this. It’s a good overview of the way our endocrine systems work (or are meant to work) and how dangerous something like too much estrogen can be to our overall health.

*Try to look past the sister wife getup… and the fact that she alludes to homosexuality as an affliction caused by an imbalance. Oh yea and that she advocates premarital abstinence as the only good form of birth control. It’s just… it’s just one of the wonders of being a devout Christian and a scientist. I’m still baffled at their existence.

To take Tina Fey’s words just a bit out of context,

“It’s like watching a dog walk on its hind legs…” There’s just something not right about it.
