I’ll be twenty-three next month. I know to most that’s considered to be still quite young. But I feel I’ve lived a long life. Long enough to feel like I’ve already failed so many times. I’ve lived long enough to have loved deeply. To have doubts that have left me paralyzed. To have headed so far in positive directions only to let fear turn me straight back around. At the rate I’ve been going, I’ll never get anywhere in life. I’ll only ever reach so far until I push myself beyond the fear that stops me from going further.
I’ve decided I need an escape from the world I’ve grown so used to. I need to challenge myself. That’s why I’m heading to Ireland. It took me this long to realize that there was nothing really stopping me from going in the first place. I always had the choice to do this. I just never made it. I have the choice to do anything I want…
“You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.” ~Unknown