Two years ago I decided to give the gluten free lifestyle a try. Turns outs gluten is actually pretty shitty and removing it from my diet alleviated a lot of the symptoms I was experiencing (some of which I didn’t even realize I had until I no longer felt them). Anyway, I found it fairly easy to maintain and never once had a set back. That is until last November…
Between a full time schedule in neuroscience courses, a rigorous rehearsal schedule for an all-too-stressful college production and working part time at a fucking bakery, there was just no way that my hips would stand a chance.
I was exhausted. I was stressed. I was nearing the steep precipice of post grad life with no direction frighteningly fast and it was maddening. Suddenly those baked goods which I was once able to see as just sugar and flour became a godsend. Brownies? No, no- free, fudge-coated-quaaludes. Oh, Oprah… Where were you last November when I stood at the bread counter surreptitiously eating my feelings?
So now I’m here dealing with the fallout of a merciless semester and zero self-discipline. I have been toying with a low-carb/ketogenic diet for quite a while but as you might imagine, discipline is an integral part of following a diet of any sort, so it hasn’t been as effective as it could be.